The Prefix, The Suffix, and the SQL Injection That Almost Got AwayI always tell my sons, “You learn something every day.” But let’s be honest — that’s not always true. However, once in a while, you do…4d ago4d ago
Feeding Nuclei!Lately, I have been trying different ways to use tools I have been using for some time. A good example of this is Nuclei. I have been using…Jan 28Jan 28
Finding Hidden Gems with Nuclei Templates!Lately, I have been thinking about automation.Aug 23, 20224Aug 23, 20224
How to Harpon Big Blue!A story about creating backdoors in IBM’s Websphere Portal! This is a feature I’m told…Mar 19, 20211Mar 19, 20211
The CVE That Will Never Die!While exploring targets lately on Synack and HackerOne, I keep coming across this old CVE, it’s CVE-2016–0957. For those that don’t recall…Feb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021